
Marketing training

Marketing training is for you if your company would like to polish your own and your team’s knowledge on marketing and apply new skills to practice.

mārketinga apmācības

Get ready to soar

We will not bore you with our theories; we will give you knowledge that can be put into practice straight away, adding to your and your company’s strength in longer term.

We offer customized and adjusted training programs for both: individual and group training. We train people who are making their first steps in the field of marketing, as well as assist those experienced in marketing and management, but wish to learn new approaches and ideas.

Couple of our marketing training topics available to your team:

  • Marketing strategy
  • Creation of effective marketing plan
  • 7Ps of the Marketing Mix
  • Development of brand image, creation of brand story
  • Creation of brand visual identity
  • Digital marketing basics

The knowledge storage of angels has several ready-to-use packages that can be easily applied to the needs of your team

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