Kristīne Vasara - operatīvais eņģelis
Author: Kristīne Vasara
Themes: Outsourced marketing services
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Marketing outsourcing – an effective and beneficial solution for your business

The benefits of using marketing outsourcing or why an entrepreneur has to purchase external services?

The world has long ago proven and entrepreneurs have realized that the purchase of services from the edge is not only more efficient but also better value for money. First of all, starting with the fact that a good professional is expensive, paying is not only a salary, but, of course, taxes, and even then all the other costs starting from the health insurance and ending with workplace equipment. Count the total cost of one specialist and you will understand and maybe even be surprised how much money you could pass on a marketing budget.

It is no secret that the major problem of people, in our century, is time. The amount of information is overwhelming and development takes place very rapidly. The entrepreneur has to create not only demanded product or service, but know how to sell on the market, which is dominated by several generations, each with its own perceptions and habits. This means that communication can sometimes be diametrically opposite. And not a single entrepreneur often lacks the experience and knowledge about marketing.

How can one person deal with this huge flow of information, changes and innovations? This applies in particular to medium-sized enterprises, which as a rule either do not have a marketing specialist at all, or, if so, it is one person responsible for all the company’s marketing and not rarely also a multi-national units. And even if the marketing manager realizes that there is no time, capacity or knowledge, for example, about digital marketing, or other functions, it is possible to attract outsourcing business from the edge to give part of the marketing functions to outsourcing.

Marketing outsourcing for small, medium and large companies

Be it small, medium or large business manager, I believe that primarily it is necessary to think about the product or service, the customer, analyze and follow what competitors are doing and follow market trends in your industry.

Ten years ago a tendency appeared to reduce the company’s costs and positions, giving accountancy to external service providers, a little later – also IT. Currently, an active trend can be observed, as well as marketing is often used as an external service, allowing employees of the company to focus on their core business. As a result, the company’s goals are achieved faster, more efficiently and more professionally.

And as a summary, I would like to wish all of us to recognize that investment in marketing is not just a cost but an investment in recognition, sales and profiting of the company, product or service, in the short and long term.

If for a long time you are tormented by thoughts that your marketing is not effective, not qualitative, it is not made in time or the company has difficulty finding enough professional marketing managers, it is worth considering the outsourcing.

Entrust marketing to professionals and loosen your time … for yourself, for your family … and your customers.

Kristīne Vasara - operatīvais eņģelis
Author: Kristīne Vasara
Themes: Outsourced marketing services
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