Marketing Angels
Author: Marketing Angels
Themes: Digital marketing
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Feedback – how to encourage clients to share their experience?

Imagine how fast your business could grow, if each satisfied customer shared their positive experience with friends, relatives or acquaintances?

Entrepreneurs tend to wonder why customers who are satisfied with the received product or service so rarely share their experience, leave no positive feedback, and do not share company’s offers in their social profile? But in case when customer is unhappy with a product or service, the negative feedback is quick to come.

Why does it happen like that, but not the other way around?

As in the private life, if we are happy, we want to announce it to the whole world, but if we are sad, we try to conceal it.

Studies show that a disgruntled customer with a negative experience will share it approximately to 4 people, a customer who is really excited to 1, but just completely satisfied – will not at all. Why?

A fully satisfied customer has received for the money that’s spent exactly what he was expecting for. Not more and not less. For him, it’s a regular and ordinary activity that is not supposed to be told to others, because it’s nothing special.

How to motivate customers to leave good feedback and is it really necessary?

Yes, it is necessary, the feedback is very important in any business sector. Thus, it gives an opportunity to improve the quality of products or services and adapt it to the needs of consumers.

Therefore, try to always exceed the customer’s expectations. Give him a little more than he expects – be creative!

  • If there is a chance, surprise the customer with a gift or a discount. Even though it would be banal, even a very symbolic gift, an extra product or a 5% discount can delight customers and give impetus to share their experience with others;
  • In an e-commerce industry, try to call your customer 2-3 days after he has received an order. The customer will already be able to evaluate the product and will be ready to share experience. Find out if he is completely satisfied with the product, delivery or service. If so, you can also say that you will be very happy to see his feedback on the company’s Facebook page or homepage. If something does not satisfy him – then you will have a unique opportunity to be the first one that learns about it, eliminate problems and improve the performance of your company. Customers will appreciate your caring attitude. A dissatisfied customer is a great opportunity to develop, and not every business uses it.

Feedback has a great power!

“If you won’t listen to your customers, somebody else will” – Sam Walton

Marketing Angels
Author: Marketing Angels
Themes: Digital marketing
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